Political Pessimism

The Indian politicians suddenly seem to have woken up from sleep after the Mangalore pub incident. And woken up how you may ask? They want to close down pubs and put an end to Mall culture as they call it! No serious action has been taken on those who assaulted innocent women and the Rajasthan Chief Minister in an interview to a news channel condemns the youth for adapting the mall culture and also gives his vigorous views on guys and girls holding hands!
Also they want to close down all the pubs. I wonder if it will make any difference to them. They might have their own personal liquor shops at home won’t they?
Heights I tell you…
I mean come on, don’t you guys think there are more serious and more important issues these guys have to handle than to come up with solutions like this?
Frankly I think this whole hungama about closing down pubs is only to cover up the fact that the assault was carried out by political groups as theirs and they do not want to fall into the bad books of their enemies!
Now come on, when the country has come over some serious security lapses, terror attacks and economic crisis, all these politicians could come up with to improve India is to sit and ban girls and guys holding hands? Aren’t there better issues to resolve to take India to better heights than bother about such petty civilian issues?
These wonderful great people claims that the pub culture and mall culture is spoiling the Indian tradition!
Is cheating written as part of the Indian tradition?
Is hooliganism written as Indian culture?
Is taking bribe part of the Indian culture?
Murders and thefts are becoming rampant across the country and I find no orders to curb such things, and these mad people come forward to actually correct and safeguard Indian tradition.
When they are far from what they call as Indian culture, I don’t think they have any rights to force their idea of living on us civilians.
When is india going to witness some sensible political scene? When are our politicians going to really wake up and take responsibility of seriously doing something good for the nation and stop building their wealth?

~ by Niveditha Navin on January 28, 2009.

4 Responses to “Political Pessimism”

  1. A comic book can be made out of the Indian Politician. It will have enough humour to entertain an enire generation of people. An irresponsible act such as this should be dealt with strongly. There is only so much we can say. It is really upto the people in power to prosecute those accused.

    Today they want a ban on guys and girls holding hands, tomorrow they’ll want something else.

    What people do with their lives is no business of any organization. This is a secular country and that is how it should be.

  2. It is not that pub and mall culture are “immoral” but India’s GOOD, ancient values are being eroded by white, western values. What will happen to the India which was known about in history? I am disgusted by young Indians who pretend to be American, speaking English in accents, and forgoing their rich, native languages.

    Why should there be Valetine’s Day in India, on a side note? It sickens me. Just be pretend we’re on par with white people.

    What happened to those women in Mangalore was disgusting! The moral police have no morals.

    But it is liberals who think it is alright to let white culture take over the positive aspects of India.

  3. Haha…I would agree with what you and Srikanth in his comment have to say!! These politicians and whoever they support are powerful jokers!! Hmmph!

  4. Nil..I beg to disagree with you.. well not entirely!! While you may be right in arguing that Indian cultures and values are losing their place in today’s India, I do not agree that Western culture ot celebration of Valentine’s Day or for that matter letting your hair down in a pub have anything to do with it..

    The English language has become an integral part of our lives, largely becaue it used at our work places and more so because most urban schools use it as a medium to teach… It would make sense too.. Imagine 4 people sitting in one cubicle, each speaking their own languages, each not understanding what the other person has to say.. How chaotic would that be?? While it has its downsides, don’t blame the language for the loss of values..

    And why should any one have a problem with celebrating Valentine’s Day as long as it is in the right spirit.. After all Indian culture doesn’t forbid you from expressing your love to another person now, does it?? So what if you do it on a day designated by the so called “westerners” as Valentine’s Day??

    In today’s world amongst all the chaos that surrounds us, i feel it is very important for all of us to grow out of our shells and adopt and accomodate the best of all cultures and values irrespective of their origin… There will be downsides amd we will have to live with it…

    While it is true that some people simply ape western cultures and practices, it is not fair to say that every pub going, Valentine’s Day celebrating guy/girl has no respect or regard for Indian cultures and values..

    Come to think of it all, what exactly are the so called “GOOD, ancient Indian values”??

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